Datjo Games


Tap the buttons to place numbers on them so that they sum up to 5. The numbers can sum up to 5 along the  row, column or diagonally.

Numbers get cleared up when they add to 5 so that more numbers can be placed. When none of the rows/columns/diagonals add  to 5 and the 9x9 cells fill up, the game is over. The game supports two modes - infinite and timed mode. Friends can challenge each other for high scores in timed mode.

The buttons need to be just tapped and the numbers need not be dragged to save time!

Key Features:

- Simple, fun, innovative gameplay

- One finger control

- Free to play

- Leaderboards

- Haptic feedback

- Endless gameplay

Gobble It

Gobble equal quantities of good and rotten food for a high score!  Gobbling spoilt food does not reduce your score!

Key Features:

- Simple, pure, innovative gameplay

- One finger control

- Free to play

- Fun, colourful and engaging graphics

- Progressively increasing difficulty

- Leaderboards

- Haptic feedback

- Endless gameplay

- Localization


Bubble monsters are sad and get delighted when they are swaying. Tap them to get them swaying! ... but then they dislike bumping into each other.

Color Gobble

Move the ball with one finger to gobble same coloured balls and increase your score! Beware of grey balls larger than you.